Sunday, June 3, 2012

"That's an interesting development"

While at the grocery store last night with my husband, I whined to him about how irritating it was when people come in through the "exit" and go out the "enter".  We laughed and I jokingly told him that I should start a blog about all the things that piss me off.  The more I thought about it, the more I absolutely LOVED the idea!  Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a lot of little quirks, lots of little things that bug the crap out of me...more than the normal person.  This blogs purpose is basically to catalog all my issues (LOL).  It will be uncensored and will hopefully make you giggle once or twice. Stay tuned for the wacky world of me...

#1 (as mentioned above)
Not obeying signage.
WHY IN THE HECK do stores like Walmart, Albertsons and just about every other retail establishment bother with installing "enter" and "exit" signs when NOBODY does what it is the sign is telling us to do?!  There is a reason ya know!...leaving the store would be so much easier if I didn't have to go against the flow of 'traffic'. Is it laziness? Rebellion??  I just don't get it!  Also, when I'm coming out of the store, usually with a cart full of spoils, the very wiiiiide woman coming towards me gives me a scowl and growls at me when I don't move out of HER way! Forget greeters, Walmart needs traffic cops!!...Complete with orange vests and maybe even those flashlight thingies they use at the airport. Come on people!!! PAY ATTENTION!

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